Christine Philliou and Spyros Aggelopoulos
07 █ April █ 2023
17 █ 00 - 18 █ 30
This workshop explores the role of historical research in shadow theater. SNFPHI awardee Spyros Aggelopoulos discusses with historian Christine Philliou (UC Berkeley) and Columbia faculty a new play Karagiozis in Asia Minor, the outcome of a collaboration with scholars from Turkey and Greece. How might shadow theater become a vehicle for popularizing knowledge on early 20th century identity in Anatolia, the Greek-Turkish War, and the subsequent exchange of populations? How can collaborative work between artists and scholars inspire and inform the form and content of shadow theater?
This event is co-sponsored by the Sakıp Sabancı Center for Turkish Studies, the Program in Hellenic Studies, and Greece in USA.
The workshop will be conducted in English. Click here to register and receive the materials and link for the workshop.
Image: “King Alexander of Greece killed by a monkey bite,” Spyros Aggelopoulos